“The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of shamanism provides a comprehensive understanding of the ritual cosmology and healing use of the sacred powers and forces revered by Andean wisdom-keepers since time immemorial.”

~don Oscar Miro-Quesada

This Advanced Shamanic Initiation into the Hands-On Ancestral Healing Practices of Peru is an opportunity to expand your capacity as an energy healer for yourself, your community, and the planet.

Recommended Prerequisite Foundational Courses Awakening Your Universal Shamanic Self On-demand Training or The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition In-person Apprenticeship

Becoming a Shining One teaches energy healing practices that are relevant for people from all walks of life who are seeking to maximize their presence as sources of healing light in the world. As an apprentice, you’ll become deeply sensitized to the living soul of this Peruvian ancestral medicine tradition. Entering into sentient communion with the creativity of the Great Originating Mystery can restore balance and harmony to your life and the lives of others.

Through teachings, demonstrations and hands-on mentorship you will:

  • Advance your healing practice and amplify your in-person and remote medicine capabilities with this one-of-a-kind initiation into Peruvian Energy Medicine.
  • Apprentice in the five elemental healing energies of Peruvian Curandismo and the ritual techniques associated with healing physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and soul bodies.
  • Experience multiple hands-on opportunities for transmitting and receiving the five healing energies of Kawsay, Samisonqoy, K’anchay, Samiumay, and Illanunay.
  • Masterfully integrate your use of animal allies, platonic solids, conscious breathwork, focused pendulum movements, musical instruments, and Quechua prayers to energetically pattern healthful wholeness within the recipient.
  • Develop deeper sensitivity to the subtle powers and forces that comprise the fabric of Creation as a means of serving humanity’s healing evolution
  • Practice ritual arts of prayerful invocation, evocation, and decree – empowered through shamanic breath, Quechua sacred words, altar configuration, ceremonial gesture, and focused imaginative intention.
  • Experience specific vibrational frequencies to activate the elements (earth, water, air, fire, and ether) and harmonize your body, mind, emotions, and soul in service to you and others

To provide apprentices with the most genuine experiential encounter with the seen and unseen dimensions of Peruvian shamanic healing traditions, don Oscar Miro-Quesada has consciously chosen to articulate the module descriptions (see below) associated with this course in the form of invocation, prayer, and decree that call upon the magic, medicine, and mystery inherent in being a Shining One.

You’re therefore encouraged to read out loud each module description in the spirit of self-initiation to fully benefit from the perennial wisdom soul of Peru’s shamanic reality.



While don Oscar’s teachings are timeless, this course was originally recorded in 2018 and the written materials have been updated.


Waqyay: The Shamanic Art of Summoning Healing Grace in Soul-Restorative Service to Life

You’ll receive apprenticeship in the ritual consecration and configuration of sacred space conducive to the energetic harnessing and focused application of healing potentials and tutelary spirit guidance available within the five sacred directions of our Pachakuti Mesa altar grounds.

Your initiation into Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanism focuses on teachings regarding the proper ceremonial etiquette, sacred space patterning, and ritual activation of healing powers and energetic forces residing within the five core artes (shamanic power objects/medicine pieces) that comprise the multidimensional golden spiral template at play within the living tapestry of the Pachakuti mesa

You’ll engage in a guided visionary process for the collective awakening of shamanic alliances with spirit helpers and luminous sources of healing assistance known to Peru’s ancestral wisdom keepers.


Kawsay: Elemental Earth Medicine for Physical Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Amaru, great boa/anaconda animal ally, divine child of Pachamama, earth mother, sacred guardian of south and southeast directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Qollasuyu. Elemental embodiment of Allpa, sacred earth, formed as stone, supreme healer of physical infirmity and harmonizer of material dissonance. Come in, medicine beauty of Amarupa Hampin Munaycha, divine serpent spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined sensing, bestower of healthful balance for our bodies, wisdom tutelary of Llankay, right action as awakened vocation. Master teacher of conscious independence in healing service to self, I invoke your gift of intrapersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as SHAMAN/HEALER, empowered by Kawsay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of personal evolution within the life of humankind – Hinaya!


  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of boa/anaconda medicine virtues present within the South direction of one’s mesa
  • Hands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental earth medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)


  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Kawsay into a person’s navel/umbilical-spleen lymph nodes for enhanced physical wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of Kawsay for self-healing


Samisonqoy: Elemental Water Medicine for Emotional Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Challwa, great dolphin/whale animal ally, divine child of Mama Killa, mother moon, sacred guardian of west and southwest directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Kuntisuyu. Elemental embodiment of Unu, sacred water, formed as shell, supreme healer of emotional infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Challwapa Hampin Munaycha, divine swimmer spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined feeling, bestower of healthful balance for our hearts, wisdom tutelary of Munay, unlimited compassionate love as awakened caring. Master teacher of conscious dependence in healing service to others, I invoke your gift of interpersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as ARTIST/RITUALIST, empowered by Samisonqoy... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of communal evolution within the life of humankind – Hinaya!

Session 1

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of dolphin/whale medicine virtues present within the West direction of one’s mesa
  • Hands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental water medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

Session 2

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Samisonqoy into a person’s Heart/Cardiac Plexus area for enhanced emotional wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of Samisonqoy for self-healing


K’anchay: Elemental Air Medicine for Spiritual Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Kuntur, great condor/eagle animal ally, divine child of Wiracocha, creator/creatrix of our Great Originating Mystery, sacred guardian of north and northwest directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Chinchaysuyu. Elemental embodiment of Wayra, sacred air, formed as feather, supreme healer of spiritual infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Kunturpa Hampin Munaycha, divine winged spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined intuiting, bestower of healthful balance for our spirit, wisdom tutelary of Yuyay, transcendent awareness and spiritual re-Membering through awakened vision. Master teacher of conscious interdependence in healing service to the world, I invoke your gift of transpersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as VISIONARY/SEER, empowered by K’anchay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of planetary evolution within the life of humankind – Hinaya!

Session 1

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of condor/eagle medicine virtues present within the North direction of one’s mesa
  • Hands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental air medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

Session 2

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of K’anchay into a person’s crown/pineal body for enhanced spiritual wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of K’anchay for self-healing


Samiumay: Elemental Fire Medicine for Mental Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Poma, great puma/jaguar animal ally, divine child of Tayta Inti, father sun, sacred guardian of east and northeast directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Antisuyu. Elemental embodiment of Nina, sacred fire, formed as flamed candle, supreme healer of mental infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Pomapa Hampin Munaycha, divine four-legged spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined thinking, bestower of healthful balance for our mind, wisdom tutelary of Yachay, enlightened wisdom and higher intelligence through awakened cognition. Master teacher of conscious transcendence in healing service to Cosmos, I invoke your gift of universal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as TEACHER/SAGE, empowered by Samiumay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of galactic evolution within the life of humankind – Hinaya!

Session 1

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of puma/jaguar medicine virtues present within the East direction of one’s mesa
  • Hands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental fire medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

Session 2

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Samiumay into a person’s pituitary gland/left T7 vertebral area for enhanced psychological wellbeing
  • Demonstration on use of Samiumay for self-healing


Illanunay: Elemental Aetheric Medicine for Soul Healing & Harmonization

Praises to Hatun Llama, great llama/alpaca animal ally, divine child of Sumaj K’uychi, supreme rainbow, sacred guardian of center and middle directions, noble shamanic gatekeeper of the Chawpinsuyu. Elemental embodiment of T’eqse Kallpa, sacred aether, formed as central shamanic power object, supreme healer of soul infirmity. Come in, medicine beauty of Llamapa Hampin Munaycha, divine camelid spirit presence born of Creation’s love, Sonqoypi Tupakuy Kawsaypi Qhawakuy, meet yourself in my heart, see yourself in my life! Sustainer of illumined presencing, bestower of healthful balance for our soul, wisdom tutelary of Huñuy, unified being and wholeness through awakened presence. Master teacher of conscious immanence in healing service to Creation, I invoke your gift of impersonal awareness... I evoke my medicine virtue as MYSTIC/HIEROPHANT, empowered by Illanunay... I thus decree myself in purpose as catalyst and sustainer of multidimensional evolution within the life of humankind – Hinaya!

Session 1

  • Teachings on befriending the wisdom presence of llama/alpaca medicine virtues present within the Center direction of one’s mesa
  • Hands-on mentoring focused on the ceremonial activation of elemental aetheric medicine within a sacred stone relative to serve as an arte (ceremonial shamanic medicine piece)

Session 2

  • Demonstration and teachings on the ritual delivery of Illanunay (soul radiance) into a person’s solar plexus/xiphoid-diaphragmatic lymph nodes/celiac plexus for enhanced soul empowerment
  • Demonstration on use of Illanunay for personal soul expansion


Yuyaychakuy: Embodied Self-realized Action for Restoring Order to Our World

Having attained unified ritual mastery of the energetic healing powers and forces generously bestowed upon us through our encounter with the millenary medicine, magic and mystery of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition shamanic practice we are called to walk a path of humility, patience and wonderment in service to the cosmic restoration of order within our world. By allowing our re-Membered awareness as Shining Ones to freely radiate its numinous presence upon our beloved Pachamama, every good deed, each ritualized expression of our reverence for the sanctity of life, becomes an effortless embodiment of Right Action Borne of Compassionate Spiritual Wisdom Unites. Fearless in heart and wildly open to Love as the purpose of our existence, in thought, word, and sacred presence, our awakened shamanic medicine sentience flows unhindered into the oceanic depths of all human hearts.

In this session, you’ll receive:

  • Integrative Pachakuti Mesa Tradition wisdom transmission focused on the experience of gratitude, generosity and grace as an evolutionary means for walking a Universal Shaman Path in our lives
  • Guided shamanic journey into the cosmic pleroma, co-creative abode of our future visionary guidance as Shining Ones

This Advanced Course in Peruvian Shamanism Includes

12 SESSIONS including full class audio, & video recordings, excerpted journeys, 24-page Core Text document, PMT Basics document, deepening practices, and five musical tracks created especially for this course.

Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Sanctioned Teachers and other advanced practitioners are available to answer your questions and support your progress via our Universal Shaman Initiates Facebook Group.


  • Quechua Terminology document
  • A Glimpse Into the Psychedelic Bedrock of Peruvian Folk Healing audio dialogue with don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Joe Tafur, MD
  • The Marriage of Myth, Dream and Shamanic Consciousness audio dialogue with don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Dr. Stanley Krippner

About don Oscar Miro-Quesada

A transpersonal psychologist, respected kamasqa curandero, altomisayoq adept, and Earth-honoring ritualist from Peru, don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is the visionary co-founder of The Heart of The Healer (THOTH) Shamanic Mystery School, the originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ cross-cultural shamanism, author of Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation, and Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life.

Aside from his extensive personal involvement and scholarly contributions related to the practice of cross-cultural shamanism, he has dedicated his life to the revitalization of aboriginal wisdom traditions as a means of restoring sacred trust between humankind and the natural world. Oscar is a Fellow in Ethnopsychology with the Organization of American States, Founding Counselor of the Inter-Spiritual Dialogue Committee, and Acting Member of the Source of Synergy Evolutionary Leaders Circle. His ceremonial work and shamanic apprenticeship programs have been featured on NPR, Sounds True, CNN, Univision, A&E, Discovery Channel and The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens.

More about don Oscar | On-Demand Trainings | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Praise for don Oscar Miro-Quesada

“Oscar’s medicine speaks to us from his Heart Island – the cosmology and Earth-centered spiritual practices of Peru – to offer us ways of healing and knowing that can touch all peoples and help us reconnect to the world's soul. He reminds us that dealing with the sacred is no substitute for direct experience. He gives us sage counsel for our soul odysseys, leaving us free to go beyond the maps.”

~ Robert Moss

“Oscar embodies and reveals the processes learned in his epic journey through reality fields from the Earth to the Star people, from contemporary academic knowledge to the depth and power of indigenous wisdom and ritual Oscar's work should be offered to all beings that are attempting to heal the wounds of the past and truly receive the gift of Indigenous wisdom so vital to our evolution.

~ Barbara Marx Hubbard, Co-founder of Foundation for Conscious Evolution

“Oscar Miro-Quesada, my dear friend of over thirty years, is both a Western-educated psychologist and a traditionally initiated shaman. Oscar is a true genius and a genuinely warm and loving individual, and these qualities shine through in all of his interactions with his students, patients, and peers.”

~ Raymond Moody, MD, PhD, author of Life After Life

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Becoming a Shining One: A Shamanic Initiation into the Ancestral Energy Healing Practices of Peru

12 individual sessions including full class audio or video recordings, excerpted journeys, 24-page Core Text document, PMT Basics document, deepening practices, and five musical tracks created especially for this course. You will also have community and Sanctioned Teacher Facebook support.


  • Quechua Terminology document
  • A Glimpse Into the Psychedelic Bedrock of Peruvian Folk Healing audio dialogue with don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Joe Tafur, MD
  • The Marriage of Myth, Dream and Shamanic Consciousness audio dialogue with don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Dr. Stanley Krippner

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