“Shamanism is a path that must involve mystery, and mystery is a process of incessant, endless revelation, of a seeing beyond ourselves, of an opening up to relationship with others as more valuable than just our own survival.”
~don Oscar Miro-Quesada
An advanced initiation into ritual skills specific to the Three Fields of Power used by the healer for accessing past causes, present strategies and future revelations.
Recommended Prerequisite Foundational Courses: Awakening Your Universal Shamanic Self On-demand Training or The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition In-person Apprenticeship
Master your ability to transform the past, heal the present and evolve the future working with the Three Fields of Power, a triad of living Magic, Medicine and Mysticism revered by practitioners of Northern Coastal Peruvian kamasqa curanderismo since time immemorial. This advanced course is designed for you to access higher dimensions of consciousness and forces that allow you to work with the universe as a shamanic adept.
These Three Fields of Power are actual inner dimensions in which advanced initiates gain access to:
- Past causes of individual illnesses and collective social malaise
- Present shamanic strategies available for curing and resolving personal, interpersonal and environmental expressions of bio-energetic imbalance
- Future revelations of evolutionary soul empowerment for individuals, families, communities and even desecrated natural habitats
Immerse yourself in the mythic consciousness, ancestral cosmology and ritual healing wisdom of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™, as don Oscar Miro-Quesada reveals a profoundly powerful combination of advanced teachings (nawpariq yachachiy) and sacred practice/sadhana (willka ruray).
Drawing from the Peruvian lineage traditions of The Path of Universal Shamanism, and supported by a sacred global community of fellow initiates, you’ll deepen your mastery as a ceremonial adept capable of befriending seen and unseen forces of the Great Work – and manifest your soul’s vocation.
Over the course of this master apprenticeship with don Oscar, you will:
- Discover and amplify the powers and visionary guidance within the ceremonial altar grounds used by Peru’s folk healers in service to seven generations of human evolution
- Embody El Campo Ganadero, the field associated with your ritual function as Magician and the use of willed action
- Embody El Campo Medio, the field associated with your ritual function as Medicine-Carriers involving the healing among All Our Relations
- Embody El Campo Justiciero, the field associated with our ritual function as Mystics who are capable of complete surrender to the guidance and wisdom ways of a spiritual universe
- Master advanced ritual skills for the incorporation of additional stones and minerals, wild and domesticated plants, animal totems, shamanic images and effigies/fetishes, ancient and contemporary medicine pieces, power objects; and ceremonial staffs within the Three Fields of Power
- Enter into visionary alliance with mythic denizens, tutelary spirit helpers and totemic animal allies
- Make a quantum leap in your vocation and avocation as an instrument of healing light within the cosmos
While don Oscar’s teachings are timeless, this course was originally recorded in 2017 and the written materials have been updated.
Vista, Virtud y Vocación
The shamanic cultivation of inner psychic vision (vista) for diagnosis and divination, together with the discerning use of of our personal healing gifts (virtud), are the primary determining factors in giving meaningful expression to one’s soul vocation (vocación) as a loving instrument for the restoration of wholeness wherever painful separation or destructive divisiveness may abide on Earth.
The wisdom transmissions and ritual practices associated with this apprenticeship module are structured to allow participants an amplified communal befriending of shamanic spirit helpers and tutelary allies inhabiting the vast imaginal expanses of both our inner and outer space.
Guidance on the proper ceremonial etiquette necessary for a beneficent encounter and alliance with the powers and forces behind the ancestral magic, medicine and mysticism at play within our Pachakuti Mesa Tradition altar grounds shall be thoroughly apprenticed.
Wisdom Transmission: Becoming a Walking Theophany – An overview of the mythic reality, cosmology and shared shamanic worldview which has “informed” the practice of Peruvian folk healing and our Pachakuti Mesa Tradition since its Chavin beginnings in 3000 BC.
Experiential Process: Entering the Void – A Sojourn into the Emptiness of our Origins.
THE BEFRIENDING OF MAGIC: An Initiation Into the Left Field of Power
Wisdom Transmission: The Field of ‘Gain’ – Introduction to traditional curanderismo views on the Ukhupacha domains known to comprise El Campo Ganadero, the field associated with our ritual function as Magicians and the use of willed action. The shamanic skill apprenticed is best described as Fiat Lux – “Let there be light.”
Experiential Process: Eyes of the Soul – A natural ‘clear depth’ approach to expanding the use of our Vista (shamanic sight) for ascertaining bio-etheric and psychospiritual imbalances within a person.
THE BEGETTING OF MEDICINE: An Initiation Into the Middle Field of Power
Wisdom Transmission: The Field of ‘Equilibrium’ – Introduction to traditional curanderismo views on the Kaypacha domains known to comprise El Campo Medio, the field associated with our ritual function as Medicine-Carriers involving the healing sustenance of harmonious balanced dualism among All Our Relations. The shamanic skill apprenticed is best described as Primum Non Nocere: “First do no harm.”
Experiential Process: Waking Up – A journey of re-membering our intimate interdependent presence within the Great Web of Life.
THE BENEFICENCE OF MYSTICISM: An Initiation Into the Right Field of Power
Wisdom Transmission: The Field of ‘Justice’ – Introduction to traditional curanderismo views on the Hanaqpacha domains known to comprise El Campo Justiciero, the field associated with our ritual function as Mystics who are capable of complete surrender to the guidance and wisdom ways of a spiritual universe. The shamanic skill apprenticed is best described Deo Concedente: “If God be willing.”
Experiential Process: Shattering the Vessel – Becoming the Heart of Creation.
Pacha, Poder y Pacto
This module will consist of advanced ritual skills for the incorporation of additional stones/minerals, wild/domesticated plants, animal totems, shamanic images/effigies/fetishes, ancient and contemporary medicine pieces/power objects, ceremonial staffs within the Three Fields of Power.
You will also discover advanced shamanic journey work known as Viaje con Sombra for the purpose of diagnosing the spiritual causes behind Enfermedades de Daño (illnesses of harm) and divining the location of lost items.
And finally, we’ll explore enhanced bio-etheric ceremonial mastery in the arts of Limpia, Suspendida, Defensa, Ajuste, Curación, Florecimiento and Pago (cleansing, clearing, defense, balancing, curing, flowering, ritual feeding and propitiation skills essential to our path of healing service in the world).
Wisdom Transmission: Encuentro con Ingas, Gentiles, Paganos, Demonios, Santos, Mártires y Huachumeros – Entering into visionary alliance with the mythic denizens, tutelary spirit helpers and totemic animal allies residing within all Three Fields of Power.
Experiential Process: Guardians of Anima Mundi – Embracing our role as Gatekeepers between worlds.
Wisdom Transmission: Limpia, Suspendida y Cambio – Introduction to the role of thought forms behind the existence of ‘attaching entities’ associated with draining one’s life force and causing misfortune. Apprenticeship in the ritual practice of cleansing, clearing and transforming debilitating bio-etheric imprints from the Past.
Experiential Process: The Sanctity of Darkness and the Danger of Light – Discerning the value of what must remain hidden before it can be good medicine for our world.
Wisdom Transmission: Ajuste y Levantada – Introduction to the use of core ritual artifacts empowered with a balanced medicine intention for aligning and elevating lower vibrational conditions of disease to energetically match the evoked state of equilibrium anchored within the Middle Field of Power. Apprenticeship in the ritual practice of establishing dynamic conditions of balanced dualism within the Present.
Experiential Process: Transcending Duality – A self-transformational journey of integration and balanced expression as soul and body.
Wisdom Transmission: Florecida y Revelada – Introduction to the ceremonial art of prayerfully invoking the bestowal of healing sanctification to an individual, family, community or natural habitat. Apprenticeship in the ritual practice of awakening soul evolution as a path of destiny for the Future.
Experiential Process: A Gift of Trust – The art of relinquishing the illusion of control.
Tutelares, Transmisión y Tradicón
This module will consist of initiation into ceremonial proxemics, learning to recognize specific vibrational frequencies within the vowels and consonants of a word and/or name associated with an arte, person or place for ensuring the equilibrium of evolutionary shamanic power when establishing a sacred space.
It will also include instruction in the ritual art of Theurgy, the skill of entering into visionary relationship with the inherent transformational forces in talismans, number, proportion, harmony, incantation, ritual gesture and healing atmospheres.
And finally, apprenticeship in reclaiming our Earth walk as Shining Ones, embodiments of evolutionary light attained through a ritual marriage of sun and moon, sky and earth, and the union of sacred and secular dimensions within our human experience.
Wisdom Transmission: Revolvimiento y Pachakuti – Introduction to the "re-evolutionary" hermetic ways of shaman, sage and saint.
Experiential Process: Journey into Hyperuranion – Mastering our shamanic navigation of empyrean human consciousness.
Wisdom Transmission: Llamada de Sombra – The magical art of conjuring and summoning transformational healing assistance from netherworld denizens.
Experiential Process: Stalking the Shadow – The practice of invisibility and shamanic morphing for the discovery of unconscious disease patterns.
Wisdom Transmission: Decreto de Calicanto – Owning one’s power to command and give manifest worldly expression to balanced living as a medicine carrier.
Experiential Process: Centering the Wild Pendulum – Learning the shamanic art of divine reconciliation where right and wrong, good and evil or illness and health share equal power in the transcendence of all duality.
Wisdom Transmission: Citación de Encanto – The mystical skill of listening to the language of venerated landscape shrines and the shamanic art of naming raw sources of spiritual power.
Experiential Process: The Fruits of Gnosis – A blessing journey through the cosmic tree of life as Axis Mundi.
This Profound Advanced Course in Peruvian Shamanism Includes
12 SESSIONS including welcome letters, full class audio, & video recordings, excerpted journeys, 65-page Core Text document, deepening practices.
Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Sanctioned Teachers and other advanced practitioners are available to answer your questions and support your progress via our Universal Shaman Initiates Facebook Group.
- Quechua Terminology document
- Wholeness & Health as Meaning: The Shamanic Soul of Mind-Body Medicine Audio Dialogue With Joan Borysenko and don Oscar Miro-Quesada
- The Shamanic Transformation of Modern Medicine: Using Indigenous Healing Approaches to Guide Patients & Families in Making Difficult Medical Decisions - Video Dialogue with don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Dr. David Steinhorn, and Jana Din
About don Oscar Miro-Quesada
A transpersonal psychologist, respected kamasqa curandero, altomisayoq adept, and Earth-honoring ritualist from Peru, don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is the visionary co-founder of The Heart of The Healer (THOTH) Shamanic Mystery School, the originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ cross-cultural shamanism, author of Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation, and Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life.
Aside from his extensive personal involvement and scholarly contributions related to the practice of cross-cultural shamanism, he has dedicated his life to the revitalization of aboriginal wisdom traditions as a means of restoring sacred trust between humankind and the natural world. Oscar is a Fellow in Ethnopsychology with the Organization of American States, Founding Counselor of the Inter-Spiritual Dialogue Committee, and Acting Member of the Source of Synergy Evolutionary Leaders Circle. His ceremonial work and shamanic apprenticeship programs have been featured on NPR, Sounds True, CNN, Univision, A&E, Discovery Channel and The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens.
More about don Oscar | On-Demand Trainings | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Praise for don Oscar Miro-Quesada
“What don Oscar Miro-Quesada offers our world is an incredibly unique synthesis of ancient shamanic knowledge born of personal experience combined with academic rigor and heart-centered narrative. Most impressive is don Oscar's expanded vision of the traditional shamanic landscape, his cross-cultural perspective is compelling in a manner that I find rare and inspiring.”
~ Byron Metcalf, Ph.D.
“Oscar’s medicine speaks to us from his Heart Island – the cosmology and Earth-centered spiritual practices of Peru – to offer us ways of healing and knowing that can touch all peoples and help us reconnect to the world's soul. He reminds us that dealing with the sacred is no substitute for direct experience. He gives us sage counsel for our soul odysseys, leaving us free to go beyond the maps.”
~ Robert Moss
“Oscar Miro-Quesada is one of the few Western psychologists who has endured the arduous training and initiations required to become a master shaman. His teachings are powerful initiations into the indigenous wisdom we desperately need to weave a new human story into the 21st Century and beyond.”
~ Alberto Villoldo Ph.D.
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Magic, Medicine & Mysticism - 12 Session Advanced Course in Peruvian Shamanic Healing Arts