“The missing link for the full emergence of an earth honoring global shamanic culture lies in mentoring people from all walks of life, ages and ideologies in the performance of graceful rituals of reverence for nature befitting seven generations.”

~don Oscar Miro-Quesada

An initiation into the seasonal alignment of ceremony and the creation of apachetas and offrendas to amplify your Earth-honoring ritual service.

Recommended Prerequisite Foundational Courses: Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Starter Bundle or Awakening Your Universal Shamanic Self On-demand Training or The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition In-person Apprenticeship

Reverence, Ritual & Renewal will apprentice participants in long-practiced Andean shamanic rituals and the ceremonial activation of sacred places and powers associated with Pachamama’s subtle energy body. Called Seq’e Ñan by Peru’s ancestral wisdom keepers, the ritual feeding of this luminous energetic matrix is considered vital for maintaining Mother Earth’s health, as well as a means of informing the evolution of all life on Earth.

Also of great importance are Wakas, ancient temples, natural landscape shrines, revered pilgrimage destinations, stone cairns and sacred ceremonial sites. These repositories of sacred power play a part in the human effort to understand and connect with the divine cosmos and experience the interdependence of self, culture, and nature.

This course is specifically designed to apprentice you in powerful rituals of reverence related to the proper ceremonial activation of Seq’e Ñan and Wakas. Through wisdom transmissions, imaginal journeys, ritual demonstrations, and practical applications, you’ll harness and bring forth a host of sacred healing powers and spirit bridges into Pachamama’s subtle energy body.

Reverence, Ritual & Renewal offers an unparalleled opportunity to further your journey on your shamanic path and receive teachings from Peruvian shamanic practitioner, teacher, and great lover of life, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, who distills the cosmology of his Kamasqa and Paqokuna ancestors into ritual practices.

You’ll emerge with:

  • An understanding of the Andean concept and core practice of Ayni (sacred reciprocity)
  • A toolbox of rituals and practices to bring healing and balance to your life and our world
  • The experience of creating an apacheta, akin to inserting acupuncture ‘needles’ into the Earth to address areas of environmental distress and human suffering
  • Deeper work with the Pachakuti mesa (ceremonial altar) to assist you in the shamanic skill of magical flight and other travels behind the veil for distance-healings
  • The capacity to create five unique types of Andean Paqokuna Earth offerings
  • The ancient knowledge of aligning ritual and ceremony with seasons and cosmic events


While don Oscar’s teachings are timeless, this course was originally recorded in 2017 and the written materials have been updated.


The Andean Cosmovision

“The goal is to invert the relationship of body and soul. The ‘soul’ must be externalized, and the body must become a freely commanded object in the imagination. The destiny of man is release into the imagination. We are creatures of the dream. Our psyche is Nature.” ~ Terence McKenna

THE PACHAKUTI MESA: Mirror of Heaven, Embodiment of Earth

Wisdom Transmission: A historical overview and legendary mythic insights about the ever-present lived experience of Creation — one in which we are all interconnected souls animated in a sphere of interdependent relationships — sustained by the principle of sacred reciprocity known as Ayni.
Shamanic Journey: A visionary sojourn through the multiverse of Peru’s perennial shamanic wisdom.

SEQ’E, APU, PACARINA & T’INKA: Befriending Mother Earth’s Sacred Landscape

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on gratitude-inspired deference and offerings to Pachamama’s ancestrally venerated spirit pathways and natural landscape shrines.
Shamanic Journey: A visionary process for the ritual embodiment of earthen sanctuaries revered by Peru’s kamasqa wisdom traditions.

A RITUAL MARRIAGE OF EARTH, WATER, AIR, FIRE & AETHER: The Pachamama Renewal Process for Personal & Planetary Harmonization

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on the importance of internalizing our external perception of reality as a transpersonal springboard for fulfillment of our soul’s destiny.
Ritual Demonstration: The PMT Pachamama Renewal Process

PRACTICUM: The Andean Cosmovision


Travels Behind the Veil

“Go lightly, simply. Too much seriousness clouds the soul. Just go, and follow the flowing moment. Try not to cling to any experience. The depths of wonder open of themselves.” ~ Frederic Lehrman

VIAJE CON SOMBRA: The Shamanic Skill of Magical Flight

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on the nature of Sombra (shadow), or Causal/Higher Mental Body, as understood and used within the northern coastal and central highland shamanic medicine (curandersimo) traditions of Peru, focused on influencing the temporal dimension of our shamanic healing work.
Shamanic Journey: A ritual befriending and willing of one’s Sombra in shamanic healing service.

ENSUEÑO: The Shamanic Skill of Dream Travel

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on the nature of the Ensueño (dream), or Astral/Higher Imaginal Body, as understood and used within the northern coastal and central highland curandersimo traditions of Peru, focused on influencing the spatial dimension of our shamanic healing work.
Shamanic Journey: A don Oscar-facilitated ritual evocation and projection of the Ensueño process in shamanic healing service.

DESDOBLAMIENTO: The Shamanic Skill of Soul Externalization

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on the nature of the Desdoblamiento (unfolding), or Aetheric/Source Sentience Body, as understood and used within the northern coastal and central highland curandersimo traditions of Peru, focused on influencing the higher vibrational matter/energy dimension of our shamanic healing work.
Shamanic Journey: A conscious soul releasement ritual for encounter with shamanic healing alliances beyond our physicality.

PRACTICUM: Travels Behind the Veil



A Labor of Love

“Speak to the Earth, and it shall teach thee.” ~ Job 12:8

MIHUSHANKU: Sacred Rituals for Feeding Our Shamanic Multiverse

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on traditional highland Andean views and practices related to the importance of providing prayerful nourishment to our shamanic spirit helpers.
Shamanic Journey: A visionary sojourn to meet and give gratitude and offerings to the Tirakuna, the protectors and watchers of natural places of shamanic power.

K’INTU PHUKUY: A Whispering Petition for Wisdom & Guidance from the Apukuna

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on understanding the mystical dynamics at play when establishing relationships of trust and service with the ancestral Paqokuna landscape deities through the sacred ritual use of Mamakuka (Coca leaves).
Shamanic Journey: A story of the legendary origin and ritual shamanic use of the three-leaf coca k’intu as an embodiment of Andean ethos.

HAYWA, DESPACHO & OFRENDA : Offerings of Respect & Reverence to Mother Earth, Father Sky, and the Sacred Web of Life

Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on the shamanic wisdom behind the traditional use of three distinct ceremonial approaches to living in a balanced soul relationship with Mother Nature’s unseen spiritual powers.
Ritual Demonstration: A Pachakuti Mesa Tradition-inspired offering ritual to serve as sanctified Earth-honoring nourishment and gratitude offering to Pachamama.

PRACTICUM: A Labor of Love


Our Shamanic Self

“Facing the avalanche of understanding which wipes away all your former limitations of structure is terrifying if attempted alone; but if an entire group approaches the matter by means of day-to-day rituals, the growth of awareness is gradual and almost inevitable. This is the way culture has operated through the millennia of human history.” ~ Dolores LaChapelle


Wisdom Transmission: Teachings on the origins and contemporary adaptation of an Earth-honoring ceremonial community ritual known as the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Wednesday Night Link-Up.
Shamanic Journey: A guided practice of the PMT Wednesday Night Link-Up Ritual.


Wisdom Transmission: Initiation into the pre-Columbian Andean ritual creation of a sacred stone cairn known as an apacheta for releasing our human burdens — and connecting our shamanic service to the will of our apukuna.
Ritual Demonstration: A Pachakuti Mesa Tradition-based ritual for the creation and shamanic sustenance of a personal apacheta.


Wisdom Transmission: The shamanic pilgrimage as both vision quest and rite of passage aligned with the perennial wisdom traditions of Peru’s highland Paqokuna shaman-priesthood.
Shamanic Journey: A Viaje con Sombra visitation to one’s primary regional sacred landscape shrine or Apu to receive a bestowal of kamasqa (creative shamanic power) in soul-awakening service to your Shamanic Self.

PRACTICUM: Our Shamanic Self


Reverence, Ritual & Renewal: Integration

A Pachakuti Mesa Tradition-inspired ritual alignment with the harmonizing powers and evolutionary forces of the Andean Cosmos, followed by a wisdom-integrative, soul-nourishing, pre-recorded Q&A sharing with don Oscar.

This Course in Peruvian Shamanism Includes

13 SESSIONS including welcome letters, full class audio, & video recordings, excerpted journeys & demonstrations, 36-page Core Text document, deepening practices and practicums.

Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Sanctioned Teachers and other advanced practitioners are available to answer your questions and support your progress via our Universal Shaman Initiates Facebook Group.


  • Quechua Terminology document
  • Embracing the Call to Your Shamanic Initiation Audio Dialogue between don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Itzhak Beery
  • A Sāmi Brothers medicine song download

About don Oscar Miro-Quesada

A transpersonal psychologist, respected kamasqa curandero, altomisayoq adept, and Earth-honoring ritualist from Peru, don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is the visionary co-founder of The Heart of The Healer (THOTH) Shamanic Mystery School, the originator of Pachakuti Mesa Traditionℱ cross-cultural shamanism, author of Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation, and Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life.

Aside from his extensive personal involvement and scholarly contributions related to the practice of cross-cultural shamanism, he has dedicated his life to the revitalization of aboriginal wisdom traditions as a means of restoring sacred trust between humankind and the natural world. Oscar is a Fellow in Ethnopsychology with the Organization of American States, Founding Counselor of the Inter-Spiritual Dialogue Committee, and Acting Member of the Source of Synergy Evolutionary Leaders Circle. His ceremonial work and shamanic apprenticeship programs have been featured on NPR, Sounds True, CNN, Univision, A&E, Discovery Channel and The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens.

More about don Oscar | On-Demand Trainings | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

Praise for don Oscar Miro-Quesada

“I have found the perennial wisdom teachings and shamanic ritual practices of don Oscar to hasten our shift to a higher vibration, our birth into the life of Spirit transparent to itself in the material world; to help humankind embody a shared experience for all of life.”

~ Sandra Ingerman, M.A.

“...I often experience going to new levels of understanding, genuinely feeling mesmerized by don Oscar’s masterful weaving together of Andean medicine practice and other wisdom traditions, including Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism, cross-cultural shamanism, mythology, and western psychology. My own words here fail to express the totality of his heartfelt contribution to the sacred path. Oscar is a true teacher.”

~ Jose Luis Stevens, Ph.D.

“Oscar Miro-Quesada is one of the few Western psychologists who has endured the arduous training and initiations required to become a master shaman. His teachings are powerful initiations into the indigenous wisdom we desperately need to weave a new human story into the 21st Century and beyond.”

~ Alberto Villoldo Ph.D.

Satisfaction guaranteed or refund (minus administrative cost) within 28 days. Please contact [email protected]

Reverence, Ritual & Renewal - 13 Session Course in Peruvian Earth-Honoring Ritual Arts

  • 13 individual sessions including welcome letters
  • Full class audio or video recordings
  • Excerpted journeys & demonstrations
  • Deepening practices
  • Practicums
  • 36-page Core Text document
  • Community and Sanctioned Teacher Facebook support

BONUS: Quechua Terminology document, Embracing the Call to Your Shamanic Initiation Audio Dialogue between don Oscar Miro-Quesada and Itzhak Beery, plus a Sāmi Brothers audio download

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Four Payments
